Welcome to the Cross The Ages Xtreme Championship Series by XBorg
If you don't yet have CTA access, go to settings and use the following code: RTGA-XBORG
- XCS is a competitive, live production, multi-game esports league, that will run for 4 Months.
- Featuring 5 games and 100k prize pool (20k per game)
- During the first 3 months CTA players will compete for 12k prize pool (4k per month) and leaderboard points.
- Top 16 players from the overall leaderboard across the first 3 months will qualify for the final 4th month and compete for an 8k prize pool.
- Placement point composition can be found HERE
All participants are strongly encouraged to sign up right away for all three CTA tournaments in order to guarantee their spots in each one.
First, Create an Account. After creating an account, click Join Tournament above.
Then Join our Discord Server, go to #choose-your-game, and give yourself the tournament player role. This will open a dedicated XCS CTA channel where the tournament is being organized and communicated.
You must be on XBorg Discord to be eligible to participate
- 1 month Tournament
- Up to 256 players - 1vs1
- All matches are Bo3s
- SwissBrackets - 3 rounds every Thursday during first 3 weeks
- Top 16 playoff - Single elimination last week of the month
- Round 1, 2, 3 - 9th of March - WEEK 1
- Round 4, 5, 6 - 16th of March - WEEK 2
- Round 7, 8, 9 - 23th of March - WEEK 3
- Play off (top16) - 30th of March - WEEK 4
Week 1 to 3
1st round of week – 7:00PM CET – 7:45PM CET
2nd round of week – 7:45PM CET – 8:30PM CET
3rd round of week – 8:30PM CET – 9:15PM CET\
Week 4 PLAY OFF – 7:00PM CET - Until finished
- Once the tournament starts, go to the Bracket Page
- Find your match, then click on your match
- You will now be in your match chat room and are able to chat with your opponents to set up your lobby
- Conquest mode: each player will have 3 decks. To win their BO3, players need to win with two of their three decks
- When you win a game, your deck is valided and you can't play again this deck during this match. After a match each player can swap decks (and can't play a deck already validated)
- Two decks will be considered as different if the elements of the leader and his special attack (leader ability) are different (it means you can conserve the 20 cards in your deck if you want) => that will help to reduce the impact of element advantage in bo3.
- Player are allowed to change their 3 deck each week (So you can use rotation card and don't worry if you lose them between week)
Room selection (one of the two player will create the 3 lobby following this rule)
Game one: Host start Game Two: Guest start Game Three: Random
Don't forget to put both affixe to random (classic = no affixe)
- One account per player
- No-shows will be counted 10 minutes after the first communication on our public server.
- Players must try to communicate both via Discord and CG chat rooms. If the opponent shows up and asks for some time, this will not be counted as a NO-SHOW.(ALLOWED WAITING TIME : 10 MIN)
- If it is confirmed that a player does not show up or arrives too late, please report your score as 2:0 in your favor, and inform a moderator.
- We do NOT recommend that players take part in two or more events at the same time.
- Once the scores have been submitted & the next round has started, we will no longer process disputes, and no rematch will occur.
- If a player has been found (with evidence) to have breached the rules after the round is complete then: Pending the severity of the situation, a moderator may decide to disqualify that player from the rest of our tournament and forfeit any prizes accumulated.
Winner & Loser both need to report their match results to the CommunityGaming bracket. If you won without reporting your result then you will be disqualified.
- select your deck
- click on the arrow next to "ranked" or "custom" => select "custom"
- press play
- create a battle code
- select the good parameter : 2 random affixes (cf screen)
- first game select : host start, second : guest start, third : random
- copy the 9 digit code (format is XXX-XXX-XXX)
- send the code to your opponent in community gaming
- once your opponent will join, start button will become blue, so you can press it and start the match
How to join custom lobby
- select your deck
- click on the arrow next to "ranked" or "custom" => select "custom"
- press play
- enter the code given by your opponent in "game code"
- press join
🏆 $2000 USDC + 2000$ worth of Prana Top 26 Payout
#1 : $500 + 500$ worth of Prana (in-game currency)
#2 : $200 + 200$ worth of Prana (in-game currency)
#3 : $150 + 150$ worth of Prana(in-game currency)
#4 - #8 : $100 + 100$ worth of Prana (in-game currency)
#9 - #16 : $50 + 50$ worth of Prana (in-game currency)
#17 - #26: $25 + 25$ worth of Prana (in-game currency)
- $ Prizes will be paid in USDC on the Polygon network
- In order to be eligible to claim prizes you MUST be on XBorg Discord
- The default CG tiebreak is final (this means that placements shown on CG brackets are final)
- Please double check your check-in status to make sure everything is set. If you encounter an issue with check-in, inform a moderator right away.
- Disconnects/technical issues will be decided by the players, proof required. Winner's choice to have a rematch.
- If a rematch happens, everything has to stay the same.
- In the event of a mutual dispute (no clear winner), the moderator’s decision will be final.
- Please maintain sportsmanship and a positive attitude. We are here to be inclusive.
- Offensive or derogatory language will result in a warning or ban from all XBorg events.
- Please report incidents of harassment to our mods on Discord
- Right to disqualify: Xborg organizers reserve the right to disqualify players.
- Please maintain sportsmanship and a positive attitude, we are here to be inclusive.
Where do I check in?
- Check-in is held here on this page an hour before the official start time of the tournament and will last a total of one hour.
I have multiple questions, where do I go?
- Many questions can be answered by reading the fully detailed ruleset, if you have questions not found in the ruleset, please reach out in the XBorg discord or contact Migas | XBorg#4263 or Shizenix#2333
Prize Information
- Prizing will be sent out within 7 business days after the tournament ends.
- Prizes will be paid in USDC on the Polygon network
- Players are responsible for abiding by the rules set forth here on Community Gaming as well as the rules imposed by any payment platform utilized for prize payout or country restrictions. XBorg is not responsible for any player who uses any third party software or similar to circumvent these conditions.
Any prize pool that is not awarded during the qualifying months will be added to the prize pool for the finals.
ADMINS & XBorg core team members have final say on ANY decision