This will be a 2 day event taking place August 21st and 22nd at 15:00 GMT with over $8000 USD value in prizes! You must join the 1337 Discord to participate!
PRIZE POOL -1,500 $1337 -100 $AXS -E1337 Clothing!
Special thanks to Axie Infinity and Whale Shark for putting up the prize pool and helping bring together multiple communities to play our favourite NFT game! High Quality Axie Infinity Action and commentary coming at you this weekend!!
Rules (Pre tournament)
-Free entry
-1 account per person!
-Be present 15 minutes before tournament starts
-Use the designated channels in the E1337 #axie-E1337-Open and say something when you are present (
-Have same name on discord and in game to avoid confusion! YOU MUST ADD YOUR DISCORD# to your Community Gaming account!(This will be checked! You MUST be reachable on discord!)
During Tournament
-If there is a glitch in the game the player who won the match decides if there will be a rematch until we reach top 16! After top 16 replay reviews will be allowed if needed.
-DO NOT play the next round when you finish!
-Send your results to the designated channel in the E1337 Metawear discord #E1337-Tourny-Results (
-Single elimination
-Bo3 until semi finals
-Bo5 for semis and finals
Saturday August 21st
-Round of 128 begins at 15:00 GMT
-Round of 64 begins at 16:00 GMT
-Round of 32 begins at 16:45 GMT
-Round of 16 begins at 17:30 GMT
Sunday August 22nd
-Round of 8 begins at 15:00 GMT
-Semi Finals begins at 15:45 GMT
-Semis will be played 1 at a time
-3rd/4th Match
-Grand Finals
*Note- There could be delays so please stay tuned and keep your eyes on the discord!
1st- 25 $AXS + 1 Sidewinder Hoodie +1 T-Shirt +1 cap
2nd- 15 $AXS +1 Versatile infinitus hoodie+1 cap
3rd- 10 $AXS + 1 T-shirt + 1 cap
4th- 6 $AXS+ 100 $1337
5th/8th- 3 $AXS + 50 $1337
9th/16th- 2 $AXS + 25 $1337
17th/32nd- 1 $AXS
33rd/64th- 25 $1337
-Random giveaways to people in chat (300 $1337)
-2 articles of 1337 clothing